March 9, 2025

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Glasgow school receives glowing ‘report card’ from inspectors

Glasgow school receives glowing ‘report card’ from inspectors

Staff and pupils at Our Lady of the Rosary Primary were delighted to receive positive feedback from the Education Scotland team, who visited the Cardonald school recently.

Key strengths highlighted in the report included “articulate and enthusiastic children who are proud of their school” and staff who “worked well to ensure all children contribute to the life of the school through participating in committees and clubs.”

The school’s effective approaches to teaching numeracy were also commended. The inspectors noted: “This is supporting children to be confident and eager to learn and is having a positive impact on their attainment in numeracy.”

The report added: “Senior leaders and staff have a strong understanding of the needs of the school community. They are working well together to support children and their families.”

READ NEXT: ‘Proud of their school’: Secondary near Glasgow praised by inspectors

The nursery class was also praised for its “very positive, supportive and nurturing relationships” between staff and children and their families.

“As a result, children are happy and confident in their play both inside and outdoors,” said the report. “They are making good progress in their learning.”

Some areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the headteacher and a representative from Glasgow City Council, including a need to develop further learning experiences based on children’s interests.

The report noted: “All teachers should provide learning activities which are appropriately matched to all children’s needs.”

Acting headteacher Sharron McMillan, who took over the reins in January, said: “We are very proud of our report, and that is due to the dedication, support and commitment from our staff, children and their families.

“There are many strengths identified, our enthusiastic and articulate children being at the forefront.”

She added: “Our staff are fully committed to continuing the positive practice that has been highlighted and continuing to ensure our children have positive learning experiences which identify and celebrate their skills and talents.

“As with any visit from inspectors, there are areas for development and these have been integrated into the school improvement plan for session 2023/2024.

“The success of our school is about the community we serve and I am grateful for all the support that has been shown to me personally since my arrival in January, It has been a privilege to lead the school and nursery and I look forward to working with our school community to make a difference to the lives of families and young people.”

Councillor Christina Cannon, the city’s education convener, said: “This is a lovely report that highlights the warm, nurturing and caring ethos that radiates from the school and school staff.

“Inspectors are keen to point out that the children love and are very proud of their school and that they play a vital role in shaping their learning and outcomes.

“Well done to the headteacher, staff and families who have contributed to the positive inspection report.”



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