March 9, 2025

Home Inspection

Home Inspection, Primary Monitoring for Your Home

Fire Inspection & Plan Review

Fire Inspection & Plan Review

Step 1: Administrative Appeal
A facility will have an opportunity to dispute cited deficiencies with a chief deputy state fire marshal.  The purpose of this informal process is to give the facility an opportunity to refute cited deficiencies after an inspection.  A written request with an explanation of the specific deficiencies that are being disputed shall be submitted within fifteen days of receipt of the correction notice.

All submittals shall be sent to:

Washington State Patrol
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Attention: CDSFM
P.O. Box 42642
Olympia, WA 98504-2642

Or email [email protected].

If a facility is successful in demonstrating that a deficiency should not have been cited, the chief deputy state fire marshal will remove or make the appropriate corrections to the citation.  If a facility is unsuccessful in demonstrating that a deficiency should not have been cited, the facility will be notified in writing that the citation will remain unchanged.  The facility will then have the option to proceed to step #2 in the administrative appeal process.

 Step 2: Administrative Appeal
If a facility is not satisfied with the decision made during the administrative appeal (step 1), they may appeal the decision in writing within ten days of receipt of the written decision to the prevention division assistant state fire marshal.  If a facility is successful in demonstrating that a deficiency should not have been cited, the assistant state fire marshal will remove or make the appropriate corrections to the citation.  If a facility is unsuccessful in demonstrating that a deficiency should not have been cited, the facility will be notified in writing that the citation will remain unchanged.  The facility will then have the option to proceed to step #3 in the administrative appeal process.

 Step 3: Administrative Appeal
If a facility is not satisfied with the decision made during the administrative appeal (step 2), they may appeal the decision in writing within ten days of receipt of the written decision to the director of fire protection.  If a facility is successful in demonstrating that a deficiency should not have been cited, the director of fire protection will remove or make the appropriate corrections to the citation. If a facility is unsuccessful in demonstrating that a deficiency should not have been cited, the facility will be notified in writing that the citation will remain unchanged.

Step 4: Agency Action
This is a final agency action.


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