Renfrew’s Craigielea Care Home praised in inspection report
Two inspectors carried out a full inspection of Craigielea Care Home in French Street, Renfrew, from November 8 to 13.
The purpose-built facility with single en-suite accommodation across two floors and four individual units, is provided by Holmes Care Group Scotland Limited.
There are lounges and dining rooms in each unit and a purpose-built hairdressing salon.
The care home has a car park to the front of the building and a large, enclosed garden and patio area to the rear, which provides a pleasant and private space for residents.
It provides nursing care and support for up to 85 people, including 20 adults with a physical disability and 65 older people.
At the time of the inspection, 85 people were living at the home.
The findings of the visit were published yesterday (Monday, January 15).
Using a six-point scale where 1 is unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent, five categories were assessed by the Care Inspectorate.
These were ‘how well do we support people’s wellbeing?’, ‘how good is our leadership?’, ‘how good is our staff team?’, ‘how good is our setting?’ and ‘how well is our care and support planned?’.
All five were rated as 4, meaning good, and several key messages were also contained within the report.
Staff were found to be respectful and compassionate, but it was said that activities in the home could be made more meaningful to people by taking account of individual interests.
A new bistro in the entrance foyer, popular with people who lived at the service and their relatives, was highlighted.
The report also stated that people’s health needs were being met and improvements had been made to the environment.
Finally, in terms of key messages, staff were praised for being able to use care plans to deliver safe and effective care.
To prepare for the inspection, the Care Inspectorate reviewed information about the service, including previous inspection findings, registration information, information submitted by the service and intelligence gathered since the last inspection.
In making their evaluations, they spoke with nine people using the service and seven of their family and friends.
The also spoke with 17 staff members and management, observed practice and daily life, reviewed documents and spoke with visiting professionals.
There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection, the report stated.